Good morning, Smiley Blue community! I'm delighted to welcome our 200+ new members this week. Together we are growing and I hope our guidance will be helpful and inspirational to your continued growth and success.

This week's article discusses how the traits you dislike in others reveal deep insights into your core values and inner shadows.

Discovering Your Purpose

Imagine if everyone knew exactly what they wanted from life, it appears to be a search for many to discover and understand their purpose for 'being' here—that's a little hint.

Facing Your Discomfort

Having the courage to face your inner shadows leads to heightened self-awareness. This isn't about what others project onto you or say about you based on their values—that's irrelevant. It's about recognising that the traits you perceive and dislike in others are also present within yourself.

This is a transformative way of aligning your life with deeper meaning and purpose, even when the path involves facing the difficult and ugly truths about yourself.

Psalm 51:6: "Surely you desire truth in the inner parts; you teach me wisdom in the inmost place."

My Journey

The most challenging years of my life led to a discovery of my core values of honesty and integrity, but I realised that the dishonest and controlling behaviours I disliked so much in others were also reflections of myself. I learned that by tolerating these behaviours in others, I was actually being dishonest and mistrustful towards myself.

See how it works? By examining the character traits you dislike most in others, you can see where those same qualities exist within yourself. This process of self-reflection is very uncomfortable, but it does lead to heightened self-awareness and uncovers your deepest values.

Ultimately, those challenging years for which I am now deeply thankful allowed me to discern those values and have driven me towards uncovering my life's work, through purpose and personal empowerment.

Do you want to discover yours?

Here are 4 tips to help you uncover your core values

  1. Examine what you dislike most in others. This can reveal important insights about your core values and inner shadows. Look closely at how the behaviours you perceive and dislike in others also exist within you.
  2. Have the courage to face your inner shadows. This leads to heightened self-awareness and is a transformative way of aligning your life with deeper meaning and purpose.
  3. Reflect deeply on your personal pain and challenges. These difficult experiences can be the key to uncovering your deepest core values that can lead you to your life's purpose.
  4. Identify your core values. Your values often become much clearer during your most challenging times. These values can light the path for your work, vision and true purpose in accordance with God’s will for your life.

John 1:8 If we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us.


Be honest with yourself, even when it's uncomfortable, and use your negative perceptions of others and your own life experiences as the mirror to understanding your true authentic self.

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