Grief is not a disorder, a disease or a sign of weakness. It is an emotional, physical, and spiritual necessity, the price you pay for love. The only cure for grief is to grieve. Earl Grollman

A Father's Journey Through Loss to Purpose

It's hard to imagine what it must be like to lose a child; it's a place we don't want to ever have to visit, but that's exactly what happened to John Wayne Vogels and his family on April 9, 2011, when their 3-year-old son, Bladyn, died in a tragic drowning accident.

Finding Purpose Through Pain

As soon as I met John, I felt his warming, calm presence—a man with a huge heart of gold who, through his family's deep pain and loss, turned an unthinkable event into his life's mission and purpose. John, now aged 59, agreed that he does not believe in such a thing as "retirement" when one has discovered their life's purpose.

Understanding the Impact of Loss

Following such traumatic losses, there is inevitably immense suffering such as depression, PTSD, and often serious health decline. The shocking statistics reveal that 80% of marriages end in divorce due to such effects. These losses extend to the remaining children who have lost their sibling, and now the emotional presence of a parent. The devastating effects don't just end there, John discovered that many individuals ended up homeless as a result of these kinds of traumas, for some, they lose everything.

The Birth of The Martyred Angels Foundation

Meeting John, it was clear to see how passionate he is about helping families, civilians, veterans, and emergency responders navigate and transition through such devastating incidents, which led him to found The Martyred Angels Foundation.

Healing Through Equine Therapy

Through The Martyred Angels Foundation, John provides a specifically designed healing program at a privately owned horse ranch. This unique and very special program provides a private and intimate healing environment. The specialist-trained horses are able to pick up on certain triggers and act accordingly to the needs of the individuals; the results have been eye-opening and spectacular. What is truly wonderful is that once a family has transitioned through the equine program, they will be provided with FREE round-the-clock access once property acquisition has been achieved for the Equine Campground vision & mission. Until then, they provide these services to families & individuals at no cost at the current location.

A Rare and Genuine Spirit

Meeting John was an honour; I was left with a sense of not wanting to end the call. It can be rare in today's world to meet these one-of-a-kind people who exude visible, genuine warmth to help heal others from the depths of their own hearts.

Bladyn James Wayne Vogels (May 30, 2007 - April 9, 2011)

How You Can Help

Below you will find the link to The Martyred Angels Foundation. Please take a moment of your time to read the full story and explore the incredible benefits of this vital work. Like any organisation, funds are required to enable the ongoing running costs associated with such a facility. Through the healing therapy families can continue to stay together.

A Special Thank You from Smiley Blue

Smiley Blue would like to extend our support as a thank-you for donating to The Martyred Angels Foundation. We will provide you with a one-year complimentary membership to Smiley Blue for both yourself and a friend. Please email us at once you have donated, and we will happily add you.

Making a Difference

Each equine therapy session at The Martyred Angels Foundation costs $200. Your contribution directly assists the urgent needs of qualified families who have applied for help through the program. The services include equine-assisted psychotherapy, group support meetings, and grief camps for children. Your generous donation, however small, will be warmly received. Please consider volunteering or simply sharing this article amongst your friends and network to raise awareness—every act of kindness really does make a difference.

About Smiley Blue

Smiley Blue provides content to help you turn your pain into personal growth. We are here to support you on your path of healing, empowerment, prosperity, and faith leading to a powerful transformation of your mind. With your membership, you will have access to the whole library of articles and meditative purifications.

Our Story: The Martyred Angels Foundation

Donate: The Martyred Angels Foundation

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This article is dedicated with love to the memory of Bladyn James Wayne Vogels. (May 30, 2007 - April 9, 2011)