‘“It's not the load that breaks you down, it's the way you carry it” C S Lewis

The Reality of Success

There's no such thing as an overnight success. Nothing beautiful or well-crafted happens without practice, failure, dedication, difficult challenges and ongoing commitment. It can take years to achieve. People don't see the tears of frustration, the pain of rejection, the immense challenges or how friends leave when you no longer fit their mold.

Life's Paradoxes
Life has some strange paradoxes that took me a long while to figure out. The more you face fears and challenges, it would appear the easier life gets. The more you serve to help others, the more people are drawn to you. Yet, if you push your views on others, you'll face more resistance. Life is full of these contradictions.

Finding Peace in Uncertainty
When you let go of expected outcomes, you can choose to be at peace and contented no matter what situation you find yourself in. It's the only way to really grow in the upward direction.

Break Free from Comfort
Humans are wired to stay safe and comfortable. Some people stay in unhappy situations for decades, their situation feels familiar and comfortable. Yet, how will you ever know what you are truly capable of if you don't give the prospect of facing uncertain challenges a chance to find the true path to your life?

Have you ever heard the old saying? "Better the devil you know than the one you don't." -I'd sooner avoid dancing with the devil.

It's Your Path
Stay on your path and allow it to unfold. Chase after death, and paradoxically there you will discover life, if you're not sure what to do next, use that time to learn and grow in wisdom and knowledge. There’s always something right in front of you.

Self-Discovery and Growth
Look for the good in everything, and goodness will most certainly find you. Notice the voices in your head trying to hold you back, then step away from them. See that without those voices, there's just you left-

A human being. And that's all you are. You can just be whilst being in action.

Spiritual Growth & Biblical Wisdom
You are not called to be comfortable, rather you are called to be comforted during your challenges and tribulations.

God, your higher power will sometimes painfully expose all your weaknesses so that you learn to rely on the wisdom and strength of your faith. When the God of comfort makes you uncomfortable, it is because you are moving upwards to higher levels of spiritual awareness and growth.

"Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be filled" Matthew 5:6

The above verse suggests that when people become too comfortable in life, they may lose their spiritual hunger or desire to seek righteousness. Staying where it is comfortable can lead to complacency where there is no urgent need to to grow in spiritual wisdom. Sometimes, your discomfort is needed to provide you with the drive to help you seek the deeper meaning of life.

2 Samuel 22:33 "It is God who arms me with strength and keeps my way secure."

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