Welcome to this week's newsletter, it's a bit more lengthy and I hope you enjoy it.

Anyone who has explored the mountainous terrains of Switzerland knows their breathtaking beauty. The air is fresh, the sunshine brilliant, the waters a stunning shade of azure, and the alpine blooms in vibrant pastels. Add to that the soft hum of bees, the flutter of butterflies, the lush green fields with cows grazing, and the gentle ring of cowbells—it's simply idyllic.

Authors photo in Switzerland Bee on Alpine Flowers

Sitting on a hill one day, watching a man gear up for paragliding, it hit me. I am living the life many only dream about. It was the very life I had longed for and imagined since my childhood days.

Life certainly hasn't been all sunshine and rainbows for me; it's been full of challenges, both emotionally and physically, and has brought its fair share of sadness, loss, betrayal and emotional and physical pain.

Creating the ideal life and existence, despite challenges, boiled down to a surprising solution. However, it's rare to find someone willing to take the necessary steps, which I have had to learn through hard experiences.

How It Manifested
Finding the right path in life means firmly adhering to your core values and setting clear boundaries about what is and isn't acceptable to you. While this may seem straightforward, many people struggle with the desire to conform to societal norms and often make excuses for straying from their principles.

There's a noticeable lack of trust in the journey of life and faith in a higher power when we uphold our core values. It's important to become someone who remains rooted in their integrity, regardless of whether others respect or challenge you for it.

It was standing in my values that led to everything from losing friends to the end of my business and former life. But when it came to spiritual wealth and upholding my principles and integrity, it was completely worth it. It's left me feeling increasingly anchored in my true self and life's path and purpose.

Crying Out To God
Certainly, there were days when I sobbed and rocked in the corner of the room, crying out to God in anger and frustration. I remember asking in a frustrated and tearful prayer, “What is it you want me to know?” Profoundly, at that very moment, the telephone rang, it was to be the very last time I spoke to my mother before she died as she spewed her vitriol and hatred at me down the line.

It was also the first time it no longer affected me; I was numb to it. As she tried her hardest to turn the screw and reduce me to tears, she didn't succeed this time. I felt nothing, as though I was an observer, and I knew we were finally done. God always answers our prayers, often in mysterious ways.

Gradually, it seemed as if each branch of my tree was being pruned away. It felt like God was peeling back layers in a way that sometimes seemed cruel and severe. However, I now understand that this was necessary to make room for the new, to be reborn, so to speak. I always sensed a divine calling within me to do more, to reveal my gifts, to be visible, and to serve as a guide in helping others find their life's direction.

Your Energy Direction Matters
I remain indifferent and do not direct my energy towards worldly dramas. As a detached observer, I watch people and society struggle, expending their energy on futile pursuits that do not advance their lives. I have come to understand that the world is a grand distraction, intended that way to divert us from uncovering our true strength and the reality of our existence.

What I care about deeply is continuing to change myself for the better, and others who are ready and open to receive, to be the person God intended me to be, and to continue to flourish and bear good fruit. You can't change others, or expect change to come from others, but I realised you can always change yourself.

Living in the open countryside, the days are filled with calmness, serenity, and activities like meditation and writing, all wrapped in a sense of gratitude. This peaceful existence is the very heaven I once dreamed of. It's become clear to me that with God’s blessing we are the architects of our paradise on earth, as it is through our collective efforts that we manifest our version of heaven.

Planted in Darkness
God, the higher power plants us purposefully in darkness so we have to endure the pain of pushing through to the light, it is through this pain that we learn to nurture ourselves properly to bear good fruit. You are pure love and nature, it is all too perfect not to have been created, and just as you were made in the likeness of God, the creator, then you too are a creator of your existence.

Certainly, there are days when I struggle or have chaotic thoughts. Now, I recognise these moments as signals to step back, let go of trying to control outcomes and return to a state of trusting in the greater plan. Somehow the right people and circumstances show up at the right time.

If you've stuck with me through this tangent, that's incredible! Should these words resonate with you, then perhaps you're among the pioneers of a rising consciousness, here to collaboratively shape a world driven by a higher awareness that benefits all – oneself, businesses, communities, cities, countries, and our amazing Earth.

Discover How 1-1 Spiritual Guidance Can Transform Your Life.
Transforming Pain into Growth: Your Personal Journey to Healing For A Brighter Future.” Three sessions tailored to your unique experiences for personal growth and resilience
  1. Create meaningful connections and collaborations, and use technology consciously to connect and align with people from all around the world.
  2. Be aware of everything you consume in your mind and body.
  3. Become aware of the voice in your head that attempts to hold you back
  4. Focus on self, even though that may sound selfish, become who you need to be first, and then you can position yourself better to help others.
  5. Sometimes preventing someone from falling deters them from rising.
  6. You have to embody the change you want to see by leading the way.
  7. Core values, surrender and trust life will work out for your highest good.
  8. Learn to connect to your own source connection for your inner guidance, knowledge and wisdom.
  9. Remember that creating your dream life doesn't mean there are no longer setbacks or challenges to endure. It's about cultivating acceptance and taking responsibility for everything that happens.

Until next week, thank you for being here and my hope for you is to discover the right path for your life.

Authors photo Switzerland

Would you appreciate a 1-1 call to help you on your way to discovering the right path for your life? Reach out to Lisa Precious at contact@smileyblue.org

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