Day 18: Along The Meseta Mind Phase

We are now past the halfway point along the Camino De Santiago, having walked over 400km. I feel neither happy nor sad; maybe I have hit what I hear is "the wall." Somehow, my enthusiasm and vigor to get up tomorrow and walk over 30km doesn't feel as appealing, but I'm sure it will wear off.

The route past the city of Burgos is known as the Meseta mind phase of the pilgrimage. Apparently, many skip or bus route this phase due to the monotony of the long, dusty tracks. We didn't want to skip any stages unless we forced to by injury or illness.

Sunrise 🌅

Interesting Characters and Personal Journeys

We have certainly met some interesting characters along the journey. A good nights sleep can be very challenging in a shared dormitory, especially when several people are making a loud noise snoring or other unmentionable things through the night. Lots of people do forget to switch off their alarms or wake others up very early and rustle about in the dark in their backpacks as they set off early in the hope of getting a bed for the next night along the route. My inner voice silently curses and I do my utmost to remain serene and calm- it’s hard

Not the best nights sleep 😴

Lots of people come on the Camino to reset their lives in some way or search for a new direction. For many, it is certainly a journey of reflection and transformation. It’s been eye opening and huge fun encountering so many different people of all age groups.

Some may think walking an 800km pilgrimage is a little crazy, yet as a once in a lifetime experience I think it’s crazy not to. Walking everyday completely empties and frees up the mind, leaving all the troubles of the world behind. With so much fresh outdoor air it puts healthy colour into the cheeks, and we are always ready for our pilgrims meal, which can be a hit and miss experience.

Looking Ahead

This phase is now almost complete, and in a few days, we will enter the city of León where we can enjoy a private apartment and some regular food of our own choosing. The next phase will be the final, spiritual part of the pilgrimage.

Day 19: Approaching León

Today we walked 30km to our accommodation for this evening. For longer distances, we have sent our bags forward, which makes walking much easier without carrying the extra weight through the feet.

It's getting exciting now as tomorrow we shall reach the city of León for a couple of days to appreciate the sights and some good food.

The Next Stretch

We now have only 324km left to walk until we reach Santiago De Compostela. It’s funny but it no longer sounds far to us given how long we’ve been walking for.

When I first began it felt like quite an adjustment, now I think returning to normal life will feel strange in some ways.

Authors photo along the Camino
Miracles on the Camino: A Tale of Pain, Prayer, and Magic
Pilgrims face physical pain and find unexpected miracles on the Camino de Santiago, discovering inner strength and spiritual connections along the way.
Day One on the Camino de Santiago: Footsteps of Faith
Discover the physical challenges and spiritual insights of the Camino de Santiago’s first day, from steep climbs to inner spiritual transformations.