A certain degree of narcissism is present in everyone, but it turns destructive when it manifests as controlling abusive, and manipulative behaviour.

The Childlike Reactions of a Toxic Narcissist
It's often observed that toxic narcissists may react negatively when they don't get what they want or lack the spotlight, resorting to tantrums reminiscent of a child's behaviour or failing to acknowledge and celebrate the achievements of others.

Toxic narcissists are like hurt children inside who, like their victims (usually the people-pleasing empath) did not receive the love they deserved growing up.

Yet, the narcissist won't acknowledge the need for self-reflection to mend their inner wounded child. Rather, they cast blame, hurl insults, and shame others for the turmoil they create.

Hypocrisy in Narcissistic Behaviour
It's quite peculiar how narcissists think they have the right to say whatever they please to you and about others. Yet, when the tables are turned, they can't handle it and often react with a meltdown, similar to a child's tantrum.

It may become clear that if narcissists genuinely despise you and delight in telling you how terrible they think you are, it would be best for them to exit your life.

Indeed, a narcissist's goal isn't to have relationships based on equal value and respect. They often act out of pain, like wounded children who diminish others to elevate themselves. Their tactics may include trying to break your spirit to the point where you feel compelled to seek a reconciliation, or they pick fault with everything you do which only serves to restore the narcissist's deluded false sense of superiority.

Perhaps that's what they've managed to escape with on numerous previous occasions. They don't despise you but rather envy you, and by diminishing you, they fuel their fragile egos with your continued supply.

Recognising the End of the Narcissist's Power
In the end, we all reach a point where one more harsh word or argument is too much. But then, you find it doesn't hurt as before; you're finally feeling indifferent to it all.

You come through the last onslaught unscathed and understand that it's finished for you.

The narcissist's efforts to try to regain your affection with their gestures or small tokens are futile unless they confront the real issue: themselves.

And the ensuing freedom and tranquillity confirm that it was never really about you.

"If someone is constantly putting you down, it’s time to move on.” Unknown

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