Welcome to this Tuesday's newsletter! I am still walking on the Camino De Santiago with about 160 kilometres left to go. It is our hope that our teachings are assisting you in your growth across all facets of your life.

In the Bible, boats can represent a symbol of faith and trust, and the storms at sea can represent the challenges that arise to strengthen us on life’s spiritual voyage.

A few months ago, my husband and I missed our ferry boat crossing minutes before the final check-in. Typically, this is out of character for us when travelling, as we prefer to arrive well ahead of time to avoid any rush associated with a journey.

We left with plenty time before our ship's departure and even arrived near the port early to grab some food. However, we had overlooked that the car check-in time on our booking was earlier than the walk-on time. With just minutes to spare, my husband made a frantic dash for the port. But as luck would have it, in our rush and anxiety, every traffic light turned red and the roads were jam-packed.

Remaining calm, deep down I knew we would miss the boat, yet I trusted that we were precisely where we needed to be.

Upon our arrival at the port, the final foot passengers were boarding. I learned that for a fee, we could reserve a spot on the next ferry, departing in 24 hours. We parked the car and began searching for a last-minute hotel for the evening. Fortunately, we discovered a recently renovated hotel nearby at a reasonable rate.

Our initial night in Holland, complete with dinner and breakfast, was pre-booked, and we faced the need to cancel. Thankfully, the hotel's customer service was exceptional and sympathetic to our situation, and kindly transferred our reservation to another night despite having already paid.

Setting sail the following day, we arrived at the port in plenty of time to get settled on the boat, confident that we would set sail this time.

Upon entering our cabin, we found it wasn’t cleaned and the bedding unchanged. The corridor staff were very accommodating and apologetic, upgraded us to a superior cabin and offered us complimentary drinks at the bar.

They explained that the previous evening, when we had missed the boat, they had been forced to depart early due to an impending storm. Considering my tendency for seasickness, I was relieved to have missed the boat that night.

Ultimately, the adventure proved to be a lesson in trust and faith, affirming that you're always precisely where you're meant to be.

Matthew 8:23-26- Jesus Calms the Storm 23 Then he got into the boat and his disciples followed him.24 Suddenly a furious storm came up on the lake, so that the waves swept over the boat. But Jesus was sleeping. 25 The disciples went and woke him, saying, “Lord, save us! We’re going to drown!” 26 He replied, “You of little faith, why are you so afraid?” Then he got up and rebuked the winds and the waves, and it was completely calm.

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