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"Don't worry if you're making waves just by being yourself. The moon does it all the time." Scot Stabile

The incredible blue moon in Aquarius tonight is set to enhance creativity and motivation, urging you strongly to embody your true self more fully. For those already attuned to these powerful energy shifts, a powerful surge of empowerment may be felt to achieve your goals, which could suggest you are about to step into leadership.

However, as with all things, there is a balance, and this event coincides with increased turmoil, governmental discontent, and widespread disorder.

The term 'lunatic' is thought to originate from 'Luna,' the Latin word for the moon, implying a link to enlightenment that some might view as madness, or its opposite, benightment, which means being overtaken by darkness.

A supermoon may relate to an increased likelihood of vehicle accidents, possibly due to the distraction of its beauty. Hence the phrase, "driving like a lunatic."

To marvel at the moonlight over the ocean is to witness the light paving the way, the sea waters reflect the magnificent beauty and amplify everything in the collective by casting a bright spotlight on the darker aspects.

"Once in a blue moon life will blow you a rarity and it will leave you with astonishment" Giovannie de Sadeleer

The benefits of moon bathing
We all appreciate and recognise the health benefits of basking in the sun's warmth, which is essential for well-being and the production of vitamin D from the cholesterol in our cells. However, as evening sets in, many of us retreat indoors, unaware of the mental well-being benefits that arise from bathing in the moon's light.

To immerse yourself in awe, wonder, gratitude, and creativity, step outside during a full supermoon and bathe in the strength and beauty of its energy, which in turn will help to provide a sense of peace, calm, and oneness.

“The wisdom of the Moon is greater than the wisdom of the Earth because the Moon sees the universe better than the Earth can see it.”- Mehmet Murat Ildan