As I wrote this little piece, three quotes came to mind. Think about them, consider meditating on them, and then ask yourself where you see yourself in the next three years.
- I’d sooner die knowing I tried, than die never trying.
- I know nothing, and therefore I open myself up to something.
- I’d rather be a tiny fish in the vast ocean who can grow, develop, and adapt, than a big fish in a tiny pond who can’t grow any bigger.
Are you a person who always seems to blend in with everyone else? Coasting along with the status quo, yet deep down dreaming of discovering your real purpose, or wishing you dared to shine and be yourself?
If you don't want the rest of your life to look the same as it is now, then that can change. It's not likely to happen overnight, but taking small consistent steps, it can and eventually does. Sometimes, it takes a lot to push someone to make a change, and that's where pain can force us to pivot and dramatically change our lives.
Pain And Discomfort Pushes Change
The painful and uncomfortable episodes in our lives teach us powerful growth lessons, but sometimes, we can unknowingly form unhealthy attachments to our pain, holding us back from progressing.
“Someone I loved once gave me a box full of darkness. It took me years to understand. that this too was a gift.” Mary Oliver
Well-intentioned people tell us, "Move on" or "Let it go" - you don't have to do either.
What happened in your past has gone, but those experiences have shaped who you are today.
Trust you are where you're supposed to be on your journey and open yourself up to all new opportunities and possibilities, even if they seem too big than you feel capable of right now.
There are no such things as mistakes; all your experiences, good or bad, lead you to growth and learning.
We never need to let go of a painful past, yet we can learn to progress regardless of past trauma. By holding and allowing some space to acknowledge and look at our pain occasionally, in doing so, we can grieve as we need to.
“It is when we hurt that we learn.” — Steve Maraboli
Each of us on this life journey together, every character you encounter serves and supports our growth. Likely, once you have done some inner work, you will see that the painful episodes pushed you exponentially higher.
It's not an easy concept to grasp, yet the more we lean towards acceptance in our lives, the easier it becomes to observe the mind and not be a victim of our thoughts.
A Little Bit About My Journey
When I was processing my grief and pain, which was the result of emotional abuse, alongside the death of my parents within a few years of each other, our children were both young and understandably demanding.
In addition, we had two large dogs, no family support, a husband who worked away, a stressful litigation case, declining health, and I had a business to run.
Life was always hectic, and in some respects, a busy lifestyle, especially working, helped me focus on something else.
I found myself trying to process so much that I suffered tremendous memory loss. The loss of my memory brought about a whole new set of issues, as friends and people became impatient with me.
I would hear, "I already told you!" and my reply would be, "I'm sorry I just don't remember"
I had no idea at the time that memory loss was common in people overcoming abuse and trauma. Had I known, maybe I could have explained better, but judgment and the loss of a close friendship came anyway, which was a blow, but now I do see it as a blessing.
One thing that has always supported my healing journey is to allow space. By this, I mean to allow yourself the gift of solitude for the pain, to look at it, feel its intensity, rock in a corner if you must, or cry out to God for help.
It's not easy when life is hectic to pause and do this, but it is one of the keys to support healing- Allow Space
Sometimes, we try so hard to run from pain when the one thing that will support us is to turn around and face it head-on.
What I learned about working through emotional pain was that I grew. I didn't just grow, I blossomed. I liken it to having endured the agony of all my branches cut off, but little by little I grew new ones, and each one bore new fruit.
John 15:2: "He cuts off every branch in me that bears no fruit, while every branch that does bear fruit he prunes so that it will be even more fruitful."
Today, I live by those three little quotes I wrote at the start. Embracing everything that comes my way is not always nice, or comfortable, yet having faith that everything always works out for our highest good works. It gives us the gift of our trust in life back.
“Trust opens up new and unimagined possibilities.” - Robert C. Solomon
Thank you so much for reading. I hope that my writing supports and uplifts you. If you need help with a difficult situation I am available for 1-1 spiritual guidance. Click on the link below to learn more.
your journey to transformation