It's 2:14 a.m., and in the stillness of the early morning, a loud ping from my phone disrupts my deep, peaceful sleep. My immediate thought is, "Is my daughter alright?"

The instinct to protect never ceases as a parent, and keeping my phone close by during the night has been necessary during past emergencies. I reach out, put my glasses on and see that it's a contact from overseas with a non-urgent request.

I won't share what the small voice in my head suggested, but the message certainly didn't put me in the right frame of mind to respond to the request.

Alas, we live in a world where modern technology stretches our connections across the earth and through various time zones. Gone are the days when calling someone after 9 pm was a major faux pas. Nowadays, people impulsively send messages without considering the time or the time zone of the receiver.

When planning to contact someone, it's good to be mindful of time zone differences that are easily overlooked. Unless there's an urgent matter, it's more thoughtful to opt for sending an email. By allowing the recipient to read it at the start of their day, they are far more likely to respond constructively and with a positive outcome.

Read this article at about effectively managing global teams across different time zones.

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